Saturday, March 1, 2008

Packaging Recycling Symbol & Logo


There are a number of symbols which commonly appear on PACKAGING products. Some of these indicate the whether the item is recyclable, whilst others show the recycled material content.


The above symbol called the Mobius loop, is most commonly found on cardboard packaging and denotes that the item is recyclable. If the centre of the loop contains a number, this means that the item is made from certain percentage of recycled materials.

Another symbol often displayed on paper and cardboard packaging is the RESY recycling symbol. This symbol guarantees that packaging with this symbol is recyclable and will be accepted by cardboard recyclers.


Whilst most glass containers are recyclable, this symbol reminds consumers to recycle glass jars and bottles, either at bottle banks or, where available, through kerbside collection schemes.


  1. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Fizzy drink bottles and oven-ready meal trays.
  2. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) - Bottles for milk and washing-up liquids.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - Food trays, cling film, bottles for squash, mineral water and shampoo.
  4. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) - Carrier bags and bin liners.
  5. Polypropylene (PP) - Margarine tubs, microwaveable meal trays.
  6. Polystyrene (PS) - Yogurt pots, foam meat or fish trays, hamburger boxes and egg cartons, vending cups, plastic cutlery, protective packaging for electronic goods and toys.
  7. Any other plastics (OTHER) - that do not fall into any of the above categories. - An example is melamine, which is often used in plastic plates and cups.
Other symbols

Another symbol often appearing on packaging is the German 'Green Dot'. This does not have any environmental significance, meaning only that the manufacturer has paid a fee towards the packaging recovery system in Germany.

The European Eco-label has been developed by the European Union to encourage the development of products which keep the impact on the environment to a minimum. It is a voluntary scheme and the 'flower' symbol is awarded to products that meet a set of stringent environmental and performance criteria. These criteria take into account all aspects of a product's life, from its production and use to its eventual disposal (cradle-to-grave approach). About 400 products - from washing machines to footwear - currently carry the label. Packaging is included in this life cycle analysis where it is integral to the product, such as washing up liquid or laundry detergents.

If you see this symbol - it means you can put the packaging into your council's compost collection box or bag (if they provide one!). This is a relatively new symbol found on biodegradable plastic packaging. The symbol signifies that the packaging has been tested, and is suitable for putting into local authority compost collections.



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